Friday, October 12, 2012

PK News

Newsletter Oct 12 12

Handwriting Corner

We have been practicing using our pincer muscles in our fingers to pick up small items. This is a great activity to do at home too! The children can use your kitchen tongs to pick up small toys and even to help clean up items like legos! Also, encourage your children to use the thumb and pointer finger to “pinch” small items. The pincer muscles are crucial to developing the correct pencil grip. We practice this skill daily!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Painting with BLOOD!


Yesterday, we discussed the heart that is inside our body...Today, when I told the children that we would paint with blood, they wanted to know if it would be real blood and how was I going to get the blood out of my finger. Funny! But, with a little red paint and some water, we were able to pretend to paint with blood. The children know that the hearts beats, "pa-pum" and helps to "circulate" the blood around. Ask them if they know what "circulate" means. Looking Inside My Body is turning out to be a fun and meaningful unit for these young minds!
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Inside My Body

I know that my BRAIN is the BOSS of my body...It is like a computer. It helps me THINK and DO things.

We discovered all about ourselves at the beginning of the school year and now are transitioning into a new unit of study with taking a look inside our bodies! The children made, painted, and stuffed scarecrows learning that they are made out of hay, sticks, buttons, paint, clothes, and burlap. We are not made like scarecrows. We have a heart, lungs, a brain, etc. As the month of October progresses, your child will learn the importance and functions of the organs, muscles, and bones. They will come home singing and naming body parts, especially the names of the bones. This study will continue the study of ourselves and how we are alike and different. Can't wait to see how far they come with "Looking Inside My Body."

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Making Scarecrows in PK!

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I'm a Little Scarecrow...

PK Scarecrows from Woodland School on Vimeo.